Wednesday, 30 September 2015

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); An interesting gif of a fire tornado (also known as a firewhirl). These are incredibly dangerous, as they can potentially spread the fire to other are...

Posted on 13:49 by Rehman

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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A reaction gif of a female recruit / soldier turning her head and proudly announcing "I'm doing my part." This is from 1997 sci-fi movie Starship Troope...

Posted on 23:57 by Rehman

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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A funny reaction gif of a bearded man listening to music through his headphones and nonchalantly nodding his head; all before he casually puts a gun to his head. This is from an old Christian documentary called "Is Rock Music Evi...

Posted on 14:03 by Rehman

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Monday, 28 September 2015

A reaction gif of Aziz Ansari saying "But this is America. I want it now!" while sitting at a red laptop. Often used whenever somebody wants to express their impatience. Related: Anzi Ansari smile gif. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}...

Posted on 23:56 by Rehman

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Monday, 21 September 2015

A reaction gif of Leonardo DiCaprio raising his glass. This is from the movie The Great Gatsby (2013), in which he played the main character Jay Gatsby. This is often used whenever a person wants to give props to somebo...

Posted on 13:07 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of Jim Halpert saying "And for my next trick, I will make my career disappea...

Posted on 05:50 by Rehman

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A funny gif of a robot turning the handle of a door before completely breaking through ...

Posted on 05:35 by Rehman

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Sunday, 20 September 2015

A reaction gif of a bird staring rather excitedly while the text "...Friend?" appears. Obviously, this can be used whenever it seems as though you've just made a new frie...

Posted on 23:44 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of Jackie Chiles saying "It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous." This is from the TV show Seinfeld. Chiles is played by American actor Phil Morris. I saw this particular reaction gif on Reddit with the caption: "When my friend accuses me of stealing his thesauru...

Posted on 23:41 by Rehman

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Thursday, 17 September 2015

A gif of Donald Trump and Jeb Bush doing a high five (of the "down low" variety). This was during the Republican Presidential candidate deba...

Posted on 23:45 by Rehman

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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

A reaction gif of Mary Poppins saying "That will be quite enough of that, thank you." before putting her umbrella up and flying away. Mary Poppins was portrayed by English actress Julie Andrews.Related: Mary Poppins clapping sarcastically g...

Posted on 01:50 by Rehman

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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

A funny gif of a Cockatoo bird walking forward before immediately turning around and walking away. A great reaction gif to show how quickly you backed out of somethi...

Posted on 14:40 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of a small kid dancing at an NBA game. After realizing that the camera has zoomed in on him, he takes off his sunglasses and points at the camera. This is from an Indiana Pacers ga...

Posted on 10:43 by Rehman

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Monday, 14 September 2015

A reaction gif of Leonardo DiCaprio shouting "Get off the phone!" This is from The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), in which he portrayed a rich stockbroker called Jordan Belfort. In this scene, him an Jonah Hill (Donnie Azoff) were high on drugs. I saw this one with the caption: "My reaction when I'm trying to tell my friend a story and he gets a...

Posted on 23:55 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of jazz instructor Terence Fletcher shouting "Not my f*cking tempo!" This is from the movie Whiplash (2014). The character was portrayed by actor J. K. Simmons (previously played Vernon Schillinger on the TV show OZ and Dr. Emil Skoda on Law and Orde...

Posted on 05:20 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of New Zealand actor Kevin Smith laughing before disappearing. This scene is from his role as Ares in the TV show Xena: Warrior Princess. Sadly, Smith passed away in 2002 after he fell and sustained serious head injuri...

Posted on 05:14 by Rehman

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A funny gif of cartoon Spiderman running ridiculously slowly while yelling "Quic...

Posted on 05:09 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of a black woman saying "I got time for that" before laughing. This is obviously an adaption of the meme "Ain't nobody got time for that." I'm not sure where this is from; but judging from the cheesy smile and the fact that she's sitting in a dentists chair, I'm going to hazard a guess and say that it's from one of those TV commercials...

Posted on 05:06 by Rehman

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Sunday, 13 September 2015

A gif of Colm saying "I hear you're a racist now, Father." This is from the Irish comedy series Father T...

Posted on 15:00 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of singer / actor Justin Timberlake staring; with a facial expression that basically says "Really? Are you seriou...

Posted on 10:49 by Rehman

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A funny animated gif of a dog refusing to eat a chocolate bar; as it paws it away and tries to move its head away. I've seen this being used as an analogy for temptati...

Posted on 10:46 by Rehman

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Here, we have a gif of Irish television personality Jennifer Maguire running after a group of children while brandishing the feared wooden spoon. In Ireland, the wooden spoon was often used to "chastise" children. This is from a Republic of Telly skit called "Things you could say in the 80...

Posted on 05:33 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of Popeye climbing up the outside of a building while the caption "Swiggity swooty I'm coming for that booty" appea...

Posted on 02:31 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of English actor Simon Pegg saying "I'm not proud of it" before quickly following up with "I am a bit." Source: The World's End (2013). Character: Gary Ki...

Posted on 02:28 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of Leonardo DiCaprio looking confused before saying "What the f*ck are you talking about?" This is from the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, in which DiCaprio played stockbroker Jordan Belfo...

Posted on 01:54 by Rehman

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Saturday, 12 September 2015

A reaction gif of GOB (George Oscar Bluth) staring off into the distance as the lyrics "Hello darkness my old friend" play in the background (the song is called The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel). GOB is a character in the television series Arrested Development.Related: I've made a huge mistake g...

Posted on 02:40 by Rehman

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A gif of a long-haired moustache-sporting hacker called "Hackerman". This is from some sort of parody video called "How to hack tim...

Posted on 01:34 by Rehman

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An animated reaction gif of Squidward Tentacles deflating after his nose falls o...

Posted on 01:31 by Rehman

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Friday, 11 September 2015

A reaction gif Kevin Spacey saying "Because I was afraid, OK?" This is from the 1995 film The Usual Suspects, in which Spacey played Roger 'Verbal' Ki...

Posted on 10:49 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of The Joker saying "It's not about money. It's about sending a message." This is from the movie The Dark Knight (200...

Posted on 10:46 by Rehman

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Thursday, 10 September 2015

A funny gif of Star Trek character Spock doing a hip hop dance. I'm pretty sure that his head has been superimposed over Snoop Dogg. Spock was played by Leonard Nim...

Posted on 03:21 by Rehman

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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

A conspiracy reaction gif of parodist "Weird Al" Yankovic saying "seems a little crazy" while wearing a tinfoil h...

Posted on 04:38 by Rehman

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A gif of actor Denzel Washington drinking a large bottle of vodka. This scene is from the 2012 movie Flight, in which Denzel portrays an alcoholic pilot called William "Whip" Whitak...

Posted on 04:37 by Rehman

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A gif of Benedict Cumberbatch drinking a cup of tea while the caption "Drinks Tea Angrily" appears. This is from the TV series Parade's End, in which Cumberbatch portrays the character Christopher Tietje...

Posted on 04:35 by Rehman

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Tuesday, 8 September 2015

A weird-but-funny gif of some sort of exorcist goat twisting its head. Sometimes, this is used as a reaction gif whenever a person overhears somebody talking about th...

Posted on 03:21 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of Canadian-American comedian Ryan Stiles saying "You guys wanna start a fight?" This is from the US television show Whose Line Is It Anyw...

Posted on 03:18 by Rehman

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A gif of Quicksilver running. This is from the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Quicksilver (aka Pietro Maximoff) was portrayed by English actor Aaron Taylor-Johns...

Posted on 02:46 by Rehman

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A funny gif of three baseball players pointing at one another. The story behind the gif: These New York Yankees outfielders were very confused by a substitution that was being ma...

Posted on 02:43 by Rehman

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A gif of a grey-haired man laughing at a conversation between two men as he is standing at a filing cabinet in the background. This is typically used as a reaction gif / visual metaphor for somebody that is trying to inject themselves into a conversation that they have been listening in on. Apparently, this is from a hearing aid commerci...

Posted on 02:39 by Rehman

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Monday, 7 September 2015

A gif of retired basketball player Charles Barkley dancing. Since his retirement, Barkley has served as a studio analyst for T...

Posted on 05:43 by Rehman

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A funny gif of Kentucky-born wrestler Chuck Taylor sprinting and sliding across the ring before giving an enthusiastic thumbs ...

Posted on 05:37 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of comedian Louis C.K. looking rather puzzled / shock...

Posted on 05:33 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of KTLA anchor Chris Schauble looking around in shock. This is from St. Patrick's Day in 2014, when Schauble was reacting to a 4.4-magnitude earthqua...

Posted on 05:31 by Rehman

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A gif of American singer Bill Withers singing the words "I know. I know. I know." This is from the 1971 song Ain't No Sunshine. I saw this one being used on Reddit as a reaction gif to naggi...

Posted on 04:55 by Rehman

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Sunday, 6 September 2015

A reaction gif of John Candy saying "Okay. I see." This is from the comedy film Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987), in which Candy played the character Del Griffi...

Posted on 00:21 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of actor Bryan Cranston getting frustrated and angrily closing his laptop. This is from a short film called Writer's Blo...

Posted on 00:10 by Rehman

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Saturday, 5 September 2015

A reaction gif of Lawrence from Office Space (1999) saying "No. No, man. Shit, no man." Lawrence was portrayed by actor Diedrich Bad...

Posted on 01:45 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of actor Simon Pegg saying "What?" This is from the sci-fi comedy movie The World's End (2013), in which Pegg portrayed the character Gary Ki...

Posted on 01:41 by Rehman

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A reaction gif of Black Dynamite saying "You done fucked up now!" This is from the comedy movie of the same name, which was released in 20...

Posted on 00:17 by Rehman

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Friday, 4 September 2015

A reaction gif of Batman angrily saying "That's not the answer I wan...

Posted on 11:29 by Rehman

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